
Retail Bagging Machine

Fill It. Seal It. Sell It.

The Rotochopper Go-Bagger® 250 can fill and seal bags filled with landscape mulch, decorative rock, sand, compost, topsoil, and many other commodities commonly offered in retail bags.


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new go-bagger 250

Featured Specifications

Icon/Weight 4,500 lbs
Icon/Diesel Diesel or Electric Icon/Electric 1

Nothing makes it easier to get your bulk commodities in front of consumers in retail bags than a Rotochopper portable bagging system.

The Go-Bagger® 250 is also available as an electric model.
To learn more about this option – contact your sales representative.

Erosion Sock Filling Attachment

With the addition of the erosion sock attachment you can diversify your grinding and bagging operation even more, maximizing the value of your resources and providing additional distribution opportunities. Efficiently switch from filling bags to filling erosion socks in less than 20 minutes.

  • Fill erosion sock with compost or ground wood for erosion and sediment control
  • Accommodates 9″ and 12″ standard erosion socks (larger custom sizes available as needed)

Ready to Learn More ?

Want to Learn More About Diversifying Your Operation with a Go-Bagger® 250?
The possibilities are endless.

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