Our Team

As an employee-owned (ESOP) company, we are uniquely committed to excellence and customer success.

Our South Central Sales Team represents Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Preston McIntyre smiles for his portrait.

Preston McIntyre

Regional Sales Manager - South Central Territory

Joe Rauschuber

Regional Sales Rep - South Central Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Murray McIntyre smiles for his portrait.

Murray McIntyre

Regional Sales Rep - South Central Territory

Our Great Lakes West Sales Team represents Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.

lars bergan rotochopper great lakes west territory sales manager

Lars Bergan

Regional Sales Manager - Great Lakes West Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Ryan Schams smiles for his portrait.

Ryan Schams

Regional Sales Rep - Great Lakes West Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Steve Pieper smiles for his portrait.

Steve Pieper

Regional Sales Rep - Great Lakes West Territory

Dennis Finken Rotochopper Great Lakes West Sales Representative

Dennis Finken

Regional Sales Rep - Great Lakes West Territory

Our Northeast Sales Team represents New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and the Maritime provinces in Canada.

Scott Harrington Rotochopper Northeast Sales Manager

Scott Harrington

Regional Sales Manager - Northeast Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Ulf Qvarford smiles for his portrait.

Ulf Qvarford

Regional Sales Rep - Northeast Territory

william bedics rotochopper northeast regional sales rep

William Bedics

Regional Sales Rep - Northeast Territory

Our Mid-Atlantic Sales Team represents Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Jody Parker smiles for his portrait.

Jody Parker

Regional Sales Manager - Mid-Atlantic Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Charlie Hartt smiles for his portrait.

Charlie Hartt

Regional Sales Rep - Mid-Atlantic Territory

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Jason Koskinen smiles for his portrait.

Jason Koskinen

Regional Sales Rep - Mid-Atlantic Territory

brad bennett rotochopper mid-atlantic sales representative

Brad Bennett

Regional Sales Rep - Mid-Atlantic Territory

Briggs standing rotochopper mid-atlantic regional sales representative

Briggs Standing

Regional Sales Rep - Mid-Atlantic Territory

Our Southeast Sales Team represents Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.

chris mellow rotochopper southeast sales manager

Chris Mellow

Regional Sales Manager - Southeast Territory

Our Western & Central Canada Sales Team represents British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

A member of Rotochopper's sales team David Woods smiles for his portrait.

David Wood

Regional Sales Manager


A member of Rotochopper's sales team David Woods smiles for his portrait.

David Wood

Regional Sales Manager


Andy Bulson

Sales Manager

Member of Rotochopper's sales team Aidan Shanahan smiles for his portrait.

Aidan Shanahan

Dealer Representative-Brightgreen Recycling

daniel carlberg rotochopper dealer representative - norditek

Daniel Carlberg

Dealer Representative— Norditek

photo to come team member photo

Joakim Lund

Dealer Representative— Sawcenter OY

mark offringa rotochopper european dealer development director

Mark Offringa

Dealer Representative/Dealer Development Director

Roberto Garcia-Rotochopper Latin America Sales

Roberto Garcia

Latin America Sales Representative

juliano alves rotochopper dealer representative maquina solo brazil

Juliano Alves

Dealer Representative - Maquina Solo

Robbie Mckernan Rotochopper Dealer Representative - FOCUS Enviro

Robbie McKernan

Dealer Representative - FOCUS Enviro

Customer Service

adam asmus rotochopper service manager

Adam Asmus

Service Manager

brad hanson rotochopper assistant customer service manager 2023

Brad Hanson

Service Operations Manager

mike benson rotochopper customer service 2023

Mike Benson

Customer Service Supervisor

Amy Forster Rotochopper parts specialist

Amy Forster

Parts Specialist

barb orbeck rotochopper collections specialist

Barb Orbeck

Collections & Customer Service

Cory Olmscheid Rotochopper Factory Product Specialist

Cory Olmscheid

Factory Product Specialist

dave kulzer rotochopper customer service 2023

Dave Kulzer

Factory Product Specialist

mike heinen rotochopper customer service 2023

Michael Heinen

Factory Product Specialist

skylar posusta chrast rotochopper demo product specialist

Skylar Posusta-Chrast

Demo Product Specialist

ben baker rotochopper customer service 2023

Ben Baker

Midwest Product Specialist

dan klatt rotochopper customer service 2023

Dan Klatt

West Coast Product Specialist

erik lopez rotochopper customer service 2023

Erik Lopez

West Coast Product Specialist

james elliott rotochopper midwest service product specialist

James Elliott

Midwest Product Specialist

lucas martindale rotochopper customer service 2023

Lucas Martindale

Northeast Product Specialist

randy conway rotochopper customer service 2023

Randy Conaway

South Central Product Specialist

ronnie gordon rotochopper customer service 2023

Ronald Gordon

Mid-Atlantic Product Specialist

tracy prescott rotochopper customer service 2023

Tracy Prescott

Southeast Product Specialist

photo to come team member photo

Dan Delichte

Western Canada Product Specialist

Find Your Sales Team

Your regional Rotochopper representative provides expert guidance to maximize the performance of your grinding operation.

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